Coteca – CITB Test Revision FREE

CITB Plumbing Mock Test - 4

CITB test is a test which is used to assess the occupational competency of individuals working in the construction site. It is a multiplechoice question & answer exam. The questions cover topics such as safety, health and environment, construction site procedures and materials. Passing the CITB test is a must requirement for CSCS Card.  Start practicing for your CITB Test today!

1. What step should you take to ensure the electrical supply is disconnected before replacing an electric immersion heater in a hot water storage cylinder?


2. What is the color of an acetylene cylinder?


3. How are Legionella bacteria transmitted to humans?


4. How could lead most likely enter your bloodstream after handling sheet lead?


5. Where should a fire extinguisher be placed when using a blowtorch to join copper tubes and fittings in a domestic property?


6. What precautions should you take when repairing a burst water main using pipe-freezing equipment to isolate the damaged section?


7. Which of the following statements is correct?


8. What precautions should you take when using a blowtorch near flexible pipe lagging?


9. Why should LPG cylinders, apart from those used in gas-powered forklift trucks, never be placed on their side during use?


10. For which jointing methods is the use of oxyacetylene equipment not recommended?


11. When is eye protection necessary when drilling a hole?


12. Why is it important for operatives to understand the difference between propane and butane equipment?


13. What is the most likely risk of injury when cutting a large-diameter pipe?


14. What action should you take if you encounter a hard, white, powdery material that may be asbestos while working?


15. What actions should you take if you are called away urgently after removing six lengths of 3 m floorboarding in an occupied building?


16. What type of power drill is most suitable for re-fixing an external rainwater pipe in wet weather conditions?


17. What precautions should you take when using a blowtorch near timber?


18. In which environment are Legionella bacteria that cause Legionnaires’ disease most likely to be found?


19. What should you do if the trench sides of a 2.5 m deep excavation show signs of collapse while replacing below-ground drainage pipework?


20. Which safety guidelines should you follow when preparing to use an electric-powered threading machine?


21. Where is the safest location to store oxyacetylene gas welding bottles when not in use?


22. Why is it necessary to carry out temporary continuity bonding before removing or replacing sections of metallic pipework?


23. How should bottles be positioned when using oxyacetylene welding equipment?


24. Which PPE item is designed to protect the eyes from infrared radiation during flame cutting or welding?


25. What is the preferred method for checking for leaks when assembling liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) equipment?


Question 1 of 25

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